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EGO operor ignoro (I don't know).cheesh!!.. |
Here is an example of what happens when academics create inane, excessively hubristic explanations on a topic designed to confuse rather than enlighten, misconstrue rather than clarify, plus it is also a funny way of stating that "Humans behave funny"..
But in typical academe fashion, why wastes the opportunity when you can use bigger words to explain and prove that in reality, you have absolutely no idea of what hell you are talking about and tried to demonstrate profundity, when in reality, it really don't..
Thanks to reader Ron Brunton, who adds: “Although I have been an anthropologist for over 40 years, I have no idea what this means.” Can any readers help? An extract from Feldman’s book leaves me little wiser.a comprehensible explanation, see after article..
The violence that is poised between humanitas and inhumanitas speaks to the metaphysical ordering and phantasms of everyday political terror. Are practices of political aggression separable from the Western metaphysical divide between human and animal, and what are the ideological utilities of this divide? Does political animality point to an anthropological sovereignty that only acquires positivity, tangibility, and figuration through its displacement onto, and passage into, the extimacy that is animality? And why does subjugated or expelled animality perennially threaten anthropological plenitude as an uncontainable negativity? These questions imply that the many thresholds of language, labour and finitude that have repeatedly delimited, governed and consigned the animal and human in metaphysical thought and practice can be remapped as a properly political dominion: a wildlife reserve in which philosophical, ethological, and anthropological declaratives and descriptions encrypt zoopolitical relations of power and force, and where the animal predicate circumscribes a concentrated time and space of subjugation, exposure, disappearance and abandonment.