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The Slut-Feminst New Training routine - Do as you are told.. |
One the odd occasion one does come across an action, on the face of it, may be regarded as being a punishment. A bit like a child refusing to eat it's veggies but ofcourse benefits in the long run. One would imagine that the actions of the slut-feminist movement on the face of it may be an issue when they call for a sex strike and then make spurious claims that it works by supplying either false information or assumed fake information doctored to assist their cause and fool the general public..
The fact that all crimes have dropped exponentially since the early 70's is apparently irrelvant and insignificant..
Check with any recognised site on crime statistics and you will see that this is just another slut-feminist male bashing exercise as usual. While you are at it check to see how female crime has risen, exponentially..
An example at the moment is the "Sex Strike" being instigated by left wing lunatic slut-feminists who appear to be of the opinion that somehow, they can put a halt to the "my body, my action" meme that they have promoted and enhanced. Sex is the major part of the slut-feminist agenda as they even promoted world traveling show promoting "The Vagina" with copious mentions of the "C" word thrown in for good measure. Voyeurs world wide appreciated it and paid dollars to be verbally assaulted by this childish behaviour, redesigned to ensure that sex abuse should be considered passe, only for their own sex ofcourse. Accountability does not even come into it where they are concerned..
So back to the "Sex Strike", that the above women live in the hope will blackmail the opposite sex into a certain behaviour while they continue to kill, murder and abuse at will, should be another fascinating demonstration of how manipulating and obnoxious these women really are. It should and will bring out all those manginas out who believe that a five second "dick in box" is worth selling out your soul..
It remains to be seen as to how cowardly and corrupt those people will be to get their own way and what affect it will really have, if any at all. Dignity and honour left that movement right at it beginning..
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Not having sex with this lot would be a blessing in disguise.. |
A group of liberal-leaning women in the United States are calling for a strike this spring, and they hope to have their demands met through a form of protest that takes picketing to a whole new level.
Liberal Ladies Who Lunch, a women’s right group that says they strive to turn “America blue, one plate at a time,” is waging a sex strike starting next month that they hope will combat infringements on their personal liberties being waged by conservatives. With women’s rights issues being debated in the mainstream lately by the likes of lawmakers looking to deny the right to choose and commentators deeming pro-choice women as sluts, the strike scheduled for next month seems more than just well timed.
According to the group’s latest call to action, this protest won’t rely on picket signs and chants to get a message across. Instead, Liberal Ladies Who Lunch are asking women to wage a sex strike to “united against the war on women.”
“Why are we taking a stand to protect women's rights in 2012? Because not that long ago a group of brave women took a stand, and in some cases a beating, to give us the right to vote,” explains the group via Facebook, stressing the importance of the American suffrage movement in securing women the right to vote. “Younger men and women may not remember the ‘good old days’ when the only reproductive choice we had was to deny men access to sex. In truth, if we lose our hard won rights to medical care, birth control and pregnancy choice, it won't only affect women. Men will have to go back to the days when they waited for or paid for sex,” explains the group.
To help make a chance, the group is asking like-minded women to align with them for a sex strike starting on April 28 and extending a week later until May 5.
“This is issue impacts all of us. This strike is designed to make that point. Ask your man to speak up for your rights, because when we lose our reproductive choices, so do they,” explains the group.
Although the campaign has garnered support from some who salute the strike as a great way to make a point, opponents are equally, if not more, outspoken. In a daunting missive that dares to decry Liberal Ladies Who Lunch’s protest as laughable, Town Hall columnist Guy Benson attacks the group for striking against a contraception ban that is not in effect yet, and calls the negative comments on the campaign’s Facebook page as “downright hilarious.” (For a sampling of what Benson is bringing up, two recent comments consist of “Maybe if these girls got laid they wouldn't be so uptight” and “Back in the kitchen, wimmenz!”)
Liberal Ladies Who Lunch reference a handful of historic and recent international sex strikes on their Facebook page, noting that Colombia’s “strike of crossed legs” was followed by a 26.5 percent drop in the country’s murder rate, and another anti-war sex strike in Kenya brought a lengthy political impasse at the brim of war to an end after just one week.