It is good to see people celebrating the achievements of our modern age where we can use all those modern convenience that ensures us we are no longer hoping and wishing for the dark ages..
I do believe there was something going on at the same time but I forgot what that was..
I spent some time remembering all those people in North Korea who were not giving the choice, sad really..
• Barb: “I just left the iron on during #hourofpower. I have no idea what that thing even does.”UPDATE IX. Don’t miss the special Earth Hour edition of The Bolt Report, this morning at 10.
• Peter Phelps: “Kids loving #hourofpower - noise, colour, light, life. No return to cave-dwelling for them.”
• Susie: “You light up my life. You give me hope to carry on.You light up my days and fill my nights with song.”
• Ann Hill: “7 year old is desperately sad ‘cause we forgot to light the sparklers during #hourofpower.”
• Gulliver Stone: “I nearly forgot my kettle! Better boil that as well!”
• Major Karnage: “For my #HourOfPower I’m running the air con and the heating at the same time ... Because I can.”
• Catherine L C: “It’s so bright I almost need sunglasses. Loving Hour of Power. It seems many others are too ... lights are on everywhere.”
Tim Blair – Saturday, March 31, 2012 (8:19pm)
The Hour of Power is underway in Sydney. Set household lights to meltify. Meanwhile, international fans of Executive Order No. CL 445-2012 are Twittering with anticipation:• Tria Rachmadiah: “Tonight is Earth Hour eh? Sorry I have things to write.”
• Anna Bauert: “I may have just had to stop to think how long Earth Hour goes for.”
• Thomas DeAngelo: “So lights off from 8:30pm-9:30pm tonight? footie’s on. Fat chance.”
• Premdeep: “but still dere r many villages in india which r on permanent earth hour for 365 dayz a year, what abt them!!”
• MuhdShahrulNizam: “I think people should take Earth hour more seriously, especially sex offenders.”
• Evonne Chan: “I remember when the first time Malaysia participated in Earth Hour everyone was like so in to it. now everyone’s just like mehh.”
• Szeto Yan Weng: “Earth Hour doesn’t include my laptop right? Right? I mean, I’m saving the world man.”
• Shreyas B: “Earth hour was initially created by those despos at the bar who were always good at flirting but never got laid.”
• Angelia Pereira: “earth hour? i’d prolly be the one purposely on-ing all the lights. haha.”
Don’t feel alone, Angelia. Many of us are purposely on-ing. Readers may send pictures of their on-ing to, and share Hour of Power achievement stories in comments.
UPDATE. The Hour now begins in Queensland. Let it shine!
UPDATE II. “Here’s a pic of my effort at home just outside Bellingen, a hotbed of hippie zealotry,” writes Allan F.:

Allan continues: “What you can’t see is the heavy, eye-watering effect of the smoke from the huge pile of logs and timber I lit this arvo using 20 litres of diesel as an accelerant. The burn pile was from trees felled and pushed into a pile by a cute little bulldozer in anticipation of the Hour of Human Achievement.”
UPDATE III. “I see their candles and raise one fire barrel,” emails Seza of Melbourne. “It smells beautiful, being started with gum branches.”

UPDATE IV. Sydney’s Gemma conducted a feline experiment: “This is KP demonstrating how cats have nothing to fear from electric lighting during the Hour of Power. No candles here.”

UPDATE V. A pre-Hour text from father-of-three James Morrow: “The boys are more excited about staying up for the Hour of Power than they were for Santa!” A subsequent note informs: “We’ve got the hot tub going, every light in the joint plus the A/Cs firing.”
UPDATE VI. Patrick H.’s place reaches fine illumination during “The On-ing”:

UPDATE VII. Bev N.’s grim Hour of Power tale with a positive ending: “I was all set to on all my lights tonight. Even told the neighbours. All set to celebrate the harnessing of electricity. But not to be. At 6.10pm we had a power outage in our street. Lasted until 8.45 pm when I had just bounced my head on the pillow for an early night. Then the lights came on. Still not too late to catch the last half hour of the Hour of Power. I’ve turned them on!”