I have always seen the feminist response to our efforts as being equivalent to ordering scrambled eggs for breakfast, then getting hysterical about the eggs being broken. A practice they appear to have followed ever since that hate movement originated in the early 1960s. The fact that the slut-feminist movement bombed, physically abused, threatened violence and blackmailed people to get what they wanted, has been exposed and testified to. Some of those claims have been penned by
Erin Pizzey, in one of her books, plus stated on video.
She was actually part of the original movement. She was there with them and on the from lines. She ofcourse chose to not take part for obvious reasons, as she actually had a conscience which appears to be lacking back then, as it is now..
It has now come to the stage where desperation has set in with the backers of that hate movement, in order to malign and denigrate the MRM, by any means available and that also includes falsification and obvious libel, to try and get people onside, to their way of thinking. It truly is an interesting scenario..
Did you know
that by reading any of these "sites" and participating in it's suggestions or actions. You may actually be supporting the new version of an even nastier "Al Qaeda" or the very least, an updated grouping of the radical "Red Brigade" or equivalent. So far has the hysteria level been ramped up after the exposure of that biased, bigoted and hypocritical site, "SPLC" and other enabler sites re: RadFem Hub..
It does clearly
demonstrate that they have now been totally exposed and are now trying to waylay that exposure by making even more ridiculous and unsubstantiated, spurious claims, more then they have been making in the past. Yep, desperation does that..
They must apparently be quite upset that anyone would have
the temerity to expose their questionable behavior and their obvious bigotry, hate and bias. It is a prime example of a pot calling a kettle, black. They are really way out of their depth, when they point the finger at other sites and "expose" those site's actions, while they are undertaking that exact same behaviour. The mind boggles..
Bare in mind also that the ALT NET is already recognised as one their "own" sites, so they are already preaching from the Feminology pulpit, to their adherents, they are there in droves, simultaniously nodding their heads, as the comments will attest, the usual strawman arguments and irrelevant drivel to waylay the discussion and distort facts, as we have come to expect from those cognitive dissonance, sufferers....
ALT NET .. The suicide brought attention to an underworld of misogynists whose furies include the family court system, domestic violence laws and false rape accusations.
The attack against the MRM has been tagged as the following..
The article as far as I can see does not carry the name of the author and is stored under the 'tea Party and the Right", which is rather interesting, as I know for a fact that there are many people from many different political persuasions, involved in the MRM. A right that I do not deny anyone, even though I take the occasional poke, but right there is my right to free speech, expressed as well..
ALT NET - This kind of woman-hatred is increasingly visible in most Western societies, and it tends to be allied with other anti-modern emotions — opposition to same-sex marriage, to non-Christian immigration, to women in the workplace, and even, in some cases, to the advancement of African Americans.
Now anyone could pick and choose specific comments to further their own cause and by doing so, would slant that argument precisely where they wanted it to go. The pro-slut-feminists must first of all ignore the damage that their movement has wrought. That appears to be rule number one, deny, deny, deny.
Those enablers will never admit or confess that the laws they have overseen and introduced, manipulated, ensured complete and total bias espcecially in Family Courts as well as other sectors of the Judiciary, to ensure that women are deemed to be victims of all they do, and only men should carry the brunt of the law according to their own interpretations. If there are not a sufficient amount of men and boys being jailed, why not introduce ever more ridiculous and draconian laws (the current "you're automatically guilty when accused by any woman in society or more so in colleges or Unis.) that would ensure an ever increasing level of miscreants. They can now push their newly refreshed, artificially inflated stats. into the faces of gullible, biased and obviously ignorant politicians, to demand payments, more for their efforts at manipulating the sexism, bigotry and anti-male-bias..
On and on it goes and they wonder why people are getting really pissed off..
The fact that the laws have been manipulated by the slut-feminist movement that denies fundamental human rights to men by automatically assuming they are guilty and they wonder why there would be anyone who would protest it. That is the level of their glaring ignorance and stupidity, that we face daily. The Slut-feminist movement will NEVER ever admit that they have gone overboard, never admit that they have introduced illegal laws, they will never admit that it is and does harm hundreds or thousands of men and boys on a daily basis. In their opinion, that's just their very own justice system at work, so what is the problem..
So instead of an honest admission, they attack the result instead of the cause and will never change that unless forced to..
The problem is ofcourse is that they do not give a damn whether justice is served except when it is served to their favored sex. They will take every possible step to ensure that men and boys continue to face a corrupted and biased system, while they justify their own bigotry, bias and misandry by making other spurious claims that has no basis in fact or reality..
That is the enemy that we face on a daily basis and they are the one we will beat. Hopefully, force them to face those same laws they manipulated, be charged with, using the same processes they have so deliberately and intentionally introduced and suffer the same consequences. Now that would be poetic justice..