I must confess to having a soft spot for Bettina Arndt as she has on several occasions taken the MRM cause and pushed the men's side without bias or conflict. I did come across a site a few months back that listed this site for special mention as well as canning the piss out of Bettina for reasons I cannot remember. I emailed Bettina with the information and she responded with (I paraphrase) "Screw em! I have better things to do with my time than take any notice of those morons"..
My kinda girl. She states a few issues about women in general and about those huge lists of demands they favour, what they expect from their future male partners (where do they get that crap from).For confirmation, check any dating site and you will have a list as long as your arm but the main part missing is ofcourse, what she will do for you. Somehow they forget to mention that trivial fact or just take it for granted that you will accept them just as they are, plastic bits, camouflage and all..
I have recently posted the fact that women have just excluded themselves from the market by assuming quite a few things and forget exactly what their worth really is, how much market value they have for a possible future partner. The main issue is that women have been sucked into the slut-feminist' dream of having it all. Foregoing the need to establish any relationship when younger, while desperately seeking one in their thirties, when the time clock is screaming the end of the spawning cycle, and the competition is massive. Desperation sets in and the main problem they have is landing a suitable sucker to finance the next part of their own induced, self interested lifestyle, while competing with much younger, more nubile, models. Not a good tack, as a matter of fact, a rather fruitless one. So we have them posing those inane and obvious put downs, as men are not lining up for their assumed importance, they pose charming articles like "Where have all the good men gone?"..
Everyone already knows the obvious answer but they still ask, akin to a child asking for more lollies when their mouths are already full. It really borders on the pathetic. They still have not absorbed one important and indisputable fact that appears to avoid them and their inflated egos and that is "You cannot have it all". Wake up to yourselves for crying out loud. It's akin to talking to a wall..
But woman take the cake when compiling their list. Bettina explains, “Women often have a very long shopping list which is totally unachievable and unrealistic. They want someone who is not only good looking, slim, intelligent, but also creative, sensitive, humorous and successful and the list just keeps rolling on.” Bettina says, “Stop … it is just too much!”Personally I think most guys have just two wishes on their list when it comes to the opposite sex - Not being a total bitch or a feminist, would be a major advantage..
Being able to make a sammich would help as well ofcourse..
Link..Odile Faludi recently interviewed Bettina Arndt, aged 63, renowned sex therapist and social commentator. She has spent over thirty years writing about sex and relationships for Australian newspapers, magazines and appearing on radio and television.
Bettina insists women are losing out by simply saying the word, No, far too often. She suggests women who are looking for a mate often set themselves up for failure by being too quick to dismiss a possible partner. Women have too many idealistic expectations and in their search to find the perfect soul mate they are destroying the possibility of finding real love and, eventually marriage. Trapped in their private fantasies it’s now time for women to get out of their own way and find true bliss.As the saying goes, “Men fall in love with their eyes while women fall in love with their ears.” Men will normally have a couple of key points when it comes to their wish list. Yes, it is fair to say, men prefer slimmer and more attractive ladies. But woman take the cake when compiling their list. Bettina explains, “Women often have a very long shopping list which is totally unachievable and unrealistic. They want someone who is not only good looking, slim, intelligent, but also creative, sensitive, humorous and successful and the list just keeps rolling on.” Bettina says, “Stop … it is just too much!” She believes women need to be more realistic and realise it’s really rare that one person will tick all the boxes on their list. They need to think carefully about what is really important to them. Therefore, it’s a matter of tossing away half of the wish list and focusing on getting to know someone who could be a suitable partner for them.