After copious attempts at trying to have a male hating, male abuse, male torture article removed from Cafemom and The Stir, we have only managed to have a slight change made in that hate speech article to a degree that it is unnoticeable. Changes made were so irrelevant as to make that effort useless, so it appears to be time to demonstrate to Cafemom and The Stir, the male hating feminist author that we mean business..
You can help by continually applying pressure and lodging complaints on their site via their email connection and making comments and arguments regarding their hypocritical guidelines which apparently only applies to anyone without the appropriate organ. The blatant and usual sexism is there for all to see. They continue with their male hating articles and authors without apology or justification. Change the sex and let's see how quickly any article would be removed from that sexist site..
The author of this piece of nasty work is -
Nicole Fabian-Weber : Another Bigot..
Nicole Fabian-Weber : The Stir and Update..
TO: The Management of CafeMom, The StirSo we go to plan "B", the second stage where we will commence legal procedures against this site and approach all advertisers and anyone who has financial interest in that site and inform them of the issues we have so far encountered.
401 Park Avenue South, 5th floor
New York, NY 10016
Tracey Odell, Pulbisher
Amy Boshnack, Editorial Director
Cynthia Dermody, Managing Editor
I am writing you on behalf of A Voice for Men, a men’s advocacy group dedicated to ending misandry in western culture. The reason for this missive is a recent blog post by one of your writers, Nicole Fabian-Weber.
In her article, titled “Wife Cuts Off Husband’s Penis & Chucks It in the River,” Ms. Fabian-Weber made several statements advocating violence and sexual mutilation.
From James Huff Consultants.
“I represent a number of interested parties concerning the piece written by Nicole Fabian-Weber entitled “Wife Cuts Off Husband’s Penis & Chucks It in the River.”
We are interested in either hearing a response from this blog site as to why this post remains active, even though it obviously promotes male genital mutilation, or seeing this author’s post removed. The author of the post takes a light stance on the issue, which is unacceptable to those parties I represent.
I can assure you that if this is not addressed, that there will be an investigation as to the complicity of your organization in allowing hate speech on this site, and the full extent of the laws concerning hate speech will be leveled at this organization. We will start with a complaint to the ACLU and will move on from there.
I have already secured PDF copies of the post in question, for use in the courts of law, and will be approaching local and national news organizations with the post. We will also be approaching your advertisers with the information we have compiled, and will push to boycott them, or have them remove you from their lists.
We already know that your organization has been contacted on several occasions by private individuals who wish to see this post taken down, and we have secured their correspondence with you as well.
Your continued inaction will do great discredit to your organization, and will harm your reputation with every passing day. We demand you remove the offending blog post at once.
James Huff
VP, Huff Consultants, Inc.”
Cafemom Press Site..