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  SAVE E-lert
"Stop the Abuse"
 January 10, 2012 
 Will You Be Our Eyes and Ears?
Dear Christian,
Last week we mentioned that the National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse (Jewish Women International) is having a webinar on January 12 called Screening for Domestic Violence: The New Healthcare Regulation's Impact on the Medical Profession and Domestic Violence Practitioners.  

You have asked JWI to present a balanced, gender-inclusive presentation. And we are hoping that's what you'll get.  

Will you be our eyes and ears?  
Register for the webinar here: is a charge of $25. Then send your notes        

If you enjoy keeping people on the straight-and-narrow, join CAMP, the Countering Abuse Misinformation Project:  


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

P.S. Help us grow our efforts....,
and forward this E-lert to a friend!