I just fail to comprehend where some of this stuff comes from, are there thousands of people sitting in some room somewhere making this sh*t up or what. It really defies logic and common sense but one single issue it usually does push is the "women are victims" mentality, endlessly. It really borders on the pathetic, where are all these common sense females, do they still exist or are they still out to lunch or maybe on holidays permanently..
First, I think women generally care less about politics which is unfortunate. However I (a female) didn't care much about politics until I discovered Ron Paul. Once you get on the ron paul/liberty train it's hard to get off and I think that goes for both genders.These comments are from the Ron Paul site where there appears to be quite a few articles on or about women. Fascinating reading for anyone who is interested in the thinking of the opposite sex. It would appear that any comment about the opposite sex can be construed as being sexist as it is one word done to death whenever ignorance and gullibility rears it's head.
Overall I think the most prominent characteristic of Ron Paul supporters is that they are logical (liberty is the most logical answer) and from my exerience in life I think men generally think more logically.
Second, unfortunately our society is still highly sexist and women are subconsciously and flat out told that they are inferior and they cant think for themselves. They are perhaps more easily swayed by the media and more likely to go with their husband or boyfriends choice. Obviously this doesn't describe all women but I think many.
And last I would like to say that daily paulers could stand to be less sexist.
When watching the debates and on the daily Paul chat, multiple, probably every time Michelle Bachman spoke there would be a slew of comments about her hair or makeup or how she looked hot or ugly or about what she's wearing etc. among one lonely comment about what she was actually SAYING. I don't like michelle Bachmann in the slightest but as a woman I don't like seeing a woman in politics be objectified as opposed to criticized for what she's saying because lord knows there is much to criticize there.
Comments like this "unfortunately our society is still highly sexist", highly sexist about what ?
Where do these women get this stuff from ? They make these spurious claims without so much as backing it up with facts or figures or even a reasonable argument, it's just stated and left at that, no back up information whatsoever. It is fine making some claim but can we at least see some factual information instead of hysterics and nonsensical comment.
"women are subconsciously and flat out told that they are inferior and they cant think for themselves"What this complainer does not state is who actually does all that finger pointing and demeaning (apart from me ofcourse stating the bleeding obvious). If women are generally informed that, then who is doing it. As far as I can tell it's other women who are more than happy to cane the crap out of their own and whenever it is explained to being the case, the narrative always generalises that it is everyone who is doing it. This victimhood mentality just wallows about like delusional fog, it rears it's head continually but always fails to point the finger in the right direction.
Take the example of the one single Egyptian female who was shown the error of her ways for demonstrating and how many were besides themselves to witness that or was it just another example of the victimhood mentality rearing it's ugly head. Both I feel.. Here we had ONE SINGLE FEMALE paying the price for standing up for whatever it was they were standing up for and after hundreds if not thousands of men were beaten, jailed and maimed, we see one single female receiving the same treatment, we have an apoplectic rage and hysteria raised. Amazing, it either demonstrated that the feminist press has total control over the narrative, which I think is the case or are there are that many white knights out there (Riot control team excluded) that ramps up whenever anyone lays a finger or harms so much as a single hair on any female's head, the world almost comes to an end. This is apart from the fact that women are still cutting off men's dicks, murdering them, abusing them and having daytime fun time programs laughing it up over male mutilation, see what I mean. The hypocrisy and double standards are just beyond the pail..
every time Michelle Bachman spoke there would be a slew of comments about her hair or makeup or how she looked hot or ugly or about what she's wearing etc. among one lonely comment about what she was actually SAYING. I don't like michelle Bachmann in the slightest but as a woman I don't like seeing a woman in politics be objectified as opposed to criticized for what she's saying because lord knows there is much to criticize there.Here we go, now how and who would be commenting on Bachman's dress or hair or makeup, certainly not any male reporters or commentators that I can see, they usually don't give a damn about those trivialities. That would be the female's forte, but the comment does not even relate to that and they never do. All we ever get is the general "Women are such victims" but they fail to point out that they are actually doing it to themselves and then blaming all and sundry for it. It is truly sickening..
Over the past couple of days I had the displeasure of trying to knock some sense into another bunch of feminist females, most were victimhood specialists but not all so there is hope, this time on the Daily Mail site in England (the haven for radical feminist theory and male bashing). A site so over run with feminists and their hate messages that it really is beyond the pail. Their endless harping about those old and tired delusional claims about the vote in regards to women and also the issue of war and killing fields are their favourite areas of scorn. it's the "usual, well look at what men do", typical radical feminist put down mentality where anything remotely negative about men is over inflated as to try and dehumanise all men and thereby seeking to take the upper road to self-elevated god-like installation to the female psyche. Their endless hyperventilating regarding past battles and wars, regardless of the loss of lives, is set up to demonstrate anything except the reason for the action. It has been men, as witnessed in Egypt, who fight for democracy and human rights, we do it at the front line and in most cases the women stand back and claim to be part of it when they are not. That is clearly demonstrated all the time.and it is only on rare occasion that one fronts up to play the same game.
So I will leave you with these facts about the vote and the lives that were lost fighting for it. It appears that that great sacrifice that men made for it is apparently totally irrelevant to the victimhood princesses as they wallow in minutiae regarding some irrelevant past history that they continually dredge up regarding how "discriminated they were" with it's usual boring and brain numbing implications.
andrewnewbury wrote...
so let's look at some facts...
A census was conducted and it was determined that in 1832 with passing of the first reform act, roughly 2% of the whole of the UK population was eligible to vote.
There are many many accounts of mainly men being executed, or transported, or killed in riots but eventually after many hundreds of years struggle the 1832 Act was passed in Parliament.
In 1844 women and children under 18, working hours, were limited to 12 hours. No such restriction on men. So much for female oppression eh ?
1847 and yet another reduction in working hours for women and children, this time to 10 hours.
No such restriction on men.
So which groups of people rights were considered second, Men or women and children ?
So much for female oppression eh ?
The 1867 Reform Act gave the vote to about 1,500,000. Roughly 6%.
The 1884 Reform Act added about 6,000,000 voters. Roughly 24%.
I'm going to skip on now to 1914 and the Great War,,,,,When this war had finally ended there were some 10,000,000 men dead, 21,000,000 wounded and 7,000,000 prisoners or missing.As a reward for their sacrifices, had they lived to 1918 all men over the age of 21 were allowed to vote. women over 30 were given the vote.Women got the right to vote at 21 in 1928 some 10 years later at the cost of 10,000,000 men's lives.
And its worth bearing in mind that ten years after that, from 1939-1945 British men were conscripted to fight in the Second World War, and women - who had equal voting power - had no such obligation to be sent abroad to be possibly slaughtered for their country.
So much for women being the oppressed sex. I don't see how any patriarchy has stripped away female rights... what I do see is a lot of inaccurate feminist propaganda