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"Did you hear the one about"
Amazingly, I still come across sites that assesses feminism for what it really is in a scholarly fashion. I have found this to be rare but maybe I am not looking hard enough. There certainly are plenty of MM sites as our "movement" expands exponentially and for the right reasons. It is men per se who are more interested in good policy, honourable outcomes as well as introducing laws that have reasonable and just outcomes. Feminists have killed any idea of reasonability as they have skewed the majority of laws to favour women only and thereby ensured that the law is and will be held in contempt..

Those laws in place before feminist contamination were an extension of the Magna Carta which tried to ensure that you could not be thrown in prison at the whim of royalty or any dictator. Those laws have been bastardised by feminists to such a degree that even having one's day in court to answer false claims of abuse, regardless of severity, no longer happens, you are automatically guilty or you go through a process akin to the communist show trials. Common law has been assuaged to feminist doctrine to predetermine any man's outcome when faced with any charge, false or otherwise. Now it is automatically assumed that one is guilty (only requirement is a penis) as in their opinion, the false claim is the evidence as well as proof as far as the Courts/Universities are concerned. Bear in mind also that the majority of those reassigned laws were put into place by (feminist) women and that alone should give an indication why it is so damaged and biased..

Those laws also indicates clearly what the world would be like if run by women. Those new laws are emotive rather then judgemental, based on theoretically emotive reactions and response rather than truth and facts, assumption of guilt rather than "innocent until proven". Biased towards prison time rather than rehabilitation. Biased also to allow women to shirk their accountability or make them answerable to no one..
Feminist/socialists have long believed that childbearing is the linch-pin of female oppression.
Here is one of those feminist leaders stating their usual hate message, as only they can..

Margaret Sanger, a Socialist and the founder of Planned Parenthood, once said, "The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." 
And I bet you always thought that feminism was all about "equality" instead of wanting to remove anyone that stands in it's draconian way..

Some of the topics on that site are usually just ignored or hidden under a barrel as it's outcome and discussion levels would ofcourse demonstrate the sexism and anti-male bias in feminist doctrine and the laws they have skewed..

How Abortion Affects American Men

How Abortion Affects American Men - A Psychodynamic-Relational View

Michael Simon, a clinical psychotherapist, has written a paper on "Male Partners and the Psychological Sequelæ of Abortion: A Psychodynamic-Relational View." 

He argues that abortion is a traumatic experience and therefore impacts on both male and female sense of self-integrity. The severity of the impact on one's psyche, he concludes, can lead to problems that have previously not been recognized in abortion research.

Simon acknowledges that any research on abortion is highly controversial because of the political aspects of abortion, and such research attracts great scrutiny from both pro- and anti-abortion supporters.

Simon looked at earlier research, especially studies done in the 1990s, and saw that while studies did acknowledge negative psychological sequelae of abortion for women, the majority of studies concluded that the negative sequelae of abortion was negligible from a public health perspective. He went on to say:

"Yet persistent anecdotal information -from colleagues in clinical practice doing individual, couples or family psychotherapy and from numerous friends who have experienced abortion- would suggest otherwise. The abortion experience is a profound one...with long-lasting effects for many. "

Simon pointed out that the difference between studies that show significant post-abortion effects and those that show only mild negative reactions to abortion, can be attributed to factors such as religious affiliation, ethnicity, culture and female partner attitudes. These are considered to help explain how men cope with and respond to their partner's abortion, as well as how men and women make abortion choices. 

Of those studies which indicate negative sequelae of abortion (in women or their male partners), conscious guilt is most often reported, however mild. 

Previous studies 
According to Simon the first serious research was Arthur Shostak and Gary McLouth's "groundbreaking 1984 sociological study 'Men and Abortion: Lessons, Losses and Love'. However, not much has been done since that work, and there are to date (1997) few theoretical or empirical researches either on the psychological sequelae of abortion, or on intrapsychic dynamics of the abortion experience for male partners."

Simon did a computer search which came up with less than 100 studies, reports or theoretical pieces which dealt even marginally with the male partner's responses to abortion. He found that even fewer represented theoretically-based research on the psychological sequelae of abortion in men. 

Shostak's research reports that about one-half of the women obtaining abortions are accompanied by their male partners to the procedure. Those males who do accompany their partner to the procedure, typically find that their experience is predominately characterised by waiting and isolation. Shostak says:

"Those who wish to offer comfort during the 15-minute abortion procedure (perhaps 70%) are generally barred from doing so. Those who wish to offer comfort during the hour-long recovery period, (perhaps 90%), are generally told this is not permitted. Since over half of all pregnancies (56%) are unintended, giving a cold shoulder to these waiting-room males could not be more mistaken."
Male response to abortion 
Studies have shown that while young adult males might support a woman's 'right to choose' to have an abortion, they also feel that it was "not appropriate for a woman to have an abortion if her male partner objected." 1Simon points out that this suggests that young males, while deferring to the woman's decision and having no legal rights in the abortion decision, have very strong feelings about the pregnancy and decision to terminate. This is borne out by other studies. 2 

According to Simon: "The present study argues that male responses to abortion are determined by a complex web of factors. One important factor is the degree to which the experience is perceived consciously and unconsciously as a relational experience, that is, as pertaining to one's partner, potential or existing children, one's family and to the society