One does like to ensure that readers and followers are kept up with the current and sometimes, essential news regarding their health and wellbeing. Which reminds me that I have been negligent in regards to the daily visual exercise a man has to have to balance out one's harmony and relaxation. Watch for necessary example at the bottom of the page..
Apparently the absolute last issue on the fashion calendar is or are any considerations in regards to the ongoing good health of the user or wearer of the latest fashion. We are already aware that high heels, although looking extremely sexy and making the wearer feel the same, does have longterm affect on the wearer's anatomy. We also know that carrying heavy handbags that includes everything a girl need to ensure her comfort and cover all possibilities with the exception of carrying the ubiquitous kitchen sink, again does not assist one's frame either. We also know that wearing a tie with a buttoned up shirt restricts blood flow and hamper nerve ending and function, but completely ignored for want of appearance. Last ofcourse is the myriad of chemicals that women smear all over their sometimes, exquisite bodies, does not enhance their health and wellbeing either..
So it's a long and sordid list that everyone apparently ignores for some reason or another..
The worst outcome in regards to fashion would be the introduction of bulimia Nervosa, a rather sad and sorry self induced condition which could be linked to today's and past fashion models being more like starving refugees than well paid and rich individuals. But it's all in the name of fashion..
Tight Ties, Killer Heels: Clothes Make the Fashion Victims
Link..Baila Steinman first noticed the numbness in her leg on a trip to Israel in December. "From the knee to the pelvis, it was numb to the point of being painful," recalls the 52-year-old occupational therapist.
Back home in Brooklyn, a neurologist had her balance on her toes, walk backward on her heels and push back when he put pressure on her legs. Then he asked, "Do you wear tight clothes? Control-top pantyhose? Tight belts?" When she nodded yes, the doctor, Irving Friedman, exclaimed "That's it!"

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Tightly cinched belts can cause numbness.
Mrs. Steinman still wears the belts she loves, just not buckled quite so tight. "I told my friends about this and they cracked up," she says. "I said, 'I'm just letting you girls know, this can happen to you.' "
Apparel and accessories that are too tight, too loose, too heavy, too high or too floppy can all create health issues. Wearers sometimes have no idea that the culprit is their clothes. Of course, modern sartorial trends aren't nearly as punishing as Chinese foot binding or Victorian-era corsets, which could crush women's ribs and displace internal organs.
Here's a look at perhaps what not to wear:
Tight jeans: Squeezing into matchstick jeans with cheese-stick legs cannot only cause nerve compression, it can interfere with digestion, as the Archives of Internal Medicine noted in 1993. Internist Octavio Bessa of Stamford, Conn., wrote that he was seeing 20 to 25 patients a year, usually middle-aged or older men, suffering from abdominal discomfort, distention, heartburn and belching a few hours after eating. "The diagnosis can be made easily in the office by comparing the size of the trousers with the abdominal girth. There is usually a discrepancy of 7.5 centimeters or more," Dr. Bessa wrote, coining the term "tight pants syndrome."
Since then, jean styles have gotten even skinnier and have also been blamed for lower back pain, yeast infections in women and a rare condition called lipoatrophia semicircularis, in which horizontal lesions appear around the thighs.
Body shapers: Worn too tight or too long, Spanx and other body-tamers can cause both nerve compression and digestive issues—not to mention painful welts where fabric ends and flesh begins. (They're really made for smoothing, not squeezing the wearer down a size.)
Shapers that compress the upper abdomen can also prevent the lungs from fully inflating, reducing oxygen intake, which can lead to lightheadedness. Stomach-flattening "compression wear" for men runs the same risk—and won't really train those abs to stay in place, no matter what the advertising says.
Boyle + Gardner
Many men need to loosen up: 67% buy shirts that are smaller than their necks, according to a 1993 study at Cornell University.
And since they tend not to be cleaned as often as other clothing items, neckties can be transmit infection. Some hospitals have sought to ban doctors from wearing them.
Undergarments: Lingerie experts say 75% of women wear the wrong size bra. A bra that is too big gives no support, which can cause breast pain and back strain. One that is too tight could presumably cut into the flesh.
Boxers or briefs? Fertility experts advise men who want to become fathers not to spend long periods in tight bike shorts that can raise the temperature of the testes, reducing sperm production.
Fabric and detergent: Allergies to specific fibers are relatively rare, although they occur more often with synthetics and blends than all wool, cotton or silk, according to Apra Sood, a contact dermatitis expert at the Cleveland Clinic. More often, people who develop rashes and other irritations from clothes are reacting to dyes, fabric softeners and finishers that can include formaldehyde. "Washing new clothes a couple of times before wearing can reduce that," Dr. Sood says.

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Zippers can pinch little fingers.
Lately, pediatricians have been warning of another issue: sock-line hyperpigmentation, raised reddish welts that can appear around ankles from socks with tight elastic. The marks are harmless but can last for years, doctors warn, and can also occur around wrists with tight mittens.
F.Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal
And flats can cause problems too, especially those with thin, unsupportive soles. In fact, any shoes without arch support can lead to plantar fasciitis, an inflammation in the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot.
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Think winter footwear is safer? Those popular fleece-lined, flat-soled boots have some of the same issues. Plus, the lining can be a breeding ground for athlete's foot and nail fungus. "Yes, they absorb moisture, but the moisture has nowhere to go," says Jeffrey Benabio, a dermatologist with Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, Calif. He recommends wearing fleece boots only outdoors, with socks, for short periods, and letting them dry out in between.
F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal
Handbags can cause back pain
Accessory to a Crime of Fashion
Fashion accessories have their own health hazards. Heavy handbags worn on one shoulder can throw the back out of line, especially if they have long straps and slouchy construction, which allows contents to shift. The American Chiropractic Association recommends that women carry no more than 10% of their body weight in a bag.Wearing hair extensions for long periods or changing them frequently can create bald spots. Tight headbands, ponytails and braids can cause headaches.

F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal
Trapped soap and moisture can cause a rash under any kind of ring, but it tends to happen particularly with channel-set rings, with open spaces underneath stone settings.

F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal
Some jewelry can trigger a nickel allergy.
About 20% of body piercings develop a bacterial infection, according to a review by Northwestern University dermatologists published in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology this month.
Write to Melinda Beck at
And ofcourse one must not forget the visual advantages, for health reasons only, ofcourse..