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Oh Look it's me on Facebook.. |
One was under the illusion that this "one million dollar" plastic surgery phenomenon, an inspiration to all and sundry, would be made of sterner stuff just like the feminists have been lying to all and sundry about, you know that "Strong, Independent" who "don't need no damn man" Woman. You already know those mantras that really explain more opposite than what it claims in truth..
So much for the feminist's claims, as this is not the first time we have witnessed that either. Moore folded like a pack of cards, wallowing in self pity as well as doses of substances that were banned long ago. But one would not wish that on even one's worst enemy, so it goes without saying that one hopes for a reasonable recovery and the hope that it will move on and put that poisonous Hollywood existence in the garbage bin where it belongs. Get herself a real life..
The other reason for the gloat was an article written, once again, about the body image problem that young women face (94%), an issue all of their own making, their own doing. They apparently refuse to believe that we would not take them without the fake tits, the slut wear, the drunken bouts and the bad behaviour and language. It was also not that long ago where the femimatrix decided to blame men for those issues, just to ensure that women were not held accountable for their own actions which is ofcourse another of their dream-time wish..
The female population apparently find it exceedingly difficult to comprehend and understand that it's not men who have changed but they. Given them the freedom to make up their own minds, make their own choices and make their own life changing decisions and look where it's got them. A total house wreck in progress, while at the same time having the total inability of knowing how to deal with or communicate with the opposite sex while they spend their every spare hour wallowing on the online stupidity of Facebook and other such notorious frivolity while failing to comprehend that life is for living and not just writing/talking about..
But as you will read next, the penny has once again dropped and the next round of hand wringing is in place as the angst merchants wallow on without placing the blame precisely where it originated from, totally and completely falls back on, that same plethora of liars that we have been against all along. At least this time the girls finally confess that it's all self induced and they have to take the steps to fix it..
Stop spread of this toxic sex culture
Miranda Devine
Saturday, February 11, 2012In Moore’s case the recent separation from her much younger husband of 16 years, Ashton Kutcher, 33, may have been a catalyst for self-hate. But it can’t have been easy for the 49-year-old actress to live with gossip websites which cruelly scrutinise her body for telltale signs of cellulite or ageing.
In a recent interview the actress admitted to a lifelong “love-hate relationship” with her body. “What scares me is that I’m going to ultimately find out at the end of my life that I’m not worthy of being loved.”
It could be the cri de coeur of her sex. You can’t open a woman’s magazine without reading about already gaunt celebrities popping diet pills and starving themselves to fit into Golden Globes gowns.
And it’s never too young to join in the body scrutiny game.
In France, a 10-year-old is modelling for Vogue and 13- and 14-year-olds are common on the catwalk, their tiny breastless bodies dressed up and adorned with makeup, photographed in provocative poses to sell clothes to women their grandmothers’ age.
The push to be “hot”, to conform to some idealised image of female perfection at a younger and younger age is at the root of this epidemic of female self-hate, according to teacher turned author Danielle Miller.
Girls are the canary in the coal mine of a sick society and the increasing incidence of self-harm and eating disorders indicates not all is well in girl world.
It’s hard enough being a teenage girl at the best of times.
But these days, bombarded with the toxic messages of a pornified culture, your every impulsive moment Facebooked and Tumblred for posterity, forced to grow up far too young, it can be overwhelming.
It’s no wonder, then, that Miller sees girls afraid to grow up. “We’re a society that idolises youth,” she said last week. “Why would we be surprised if young girls are fearful of womanhood?”
In her book, to be published next month, The Girl With the Butterfly Tattoo, Miller dispenses common-sense advice to girls about how to navigate adolescence in an unforgiving era.
When she gives workshops at schools, she increasingly finds girls with “body image angst, even though we talk of this being an empowered generation. The ultimate glass ceiling is the bathroom mirror.”
She points to statistics suggesting 94 per cent of teenage girls wish at some point that they were more beautiful, while a quarter want to completely overhaul their physical appearance.
“There is something all girls and women share: we are at war with our bodies because there is a war waged on our bodies.
“We are surrounded by words and images dictating what beauty is ... It is now one colour, one shape, one size. The standards are impossible to attain.”
Miller says body self-hate is “the new normality”, with women turning increasingly to surgery to correct perceived imperfections. The explosion in vaginal surgery to conform with an airbrushed porn fiction of female genital perfection is a case in point.
Miller points to the flow-through to girlhood. For instance, teenage girls binge drink more than any other demographic. “In our hypersexualised culture there is increasing pressure on teen girls to gain attention by doing stripper-like dance moves and bare all when they go out with friends.
“Girls tell me this is easier to do when they are drunk.” Technology amplifies the normal impulsive behaviour of teens. Everything is recorded for the world to see and remember.
Miller says mothers need to be aware of their own behaviour as role models for their daughters, and parents need to talk openly and transmit their values about sex.
“We know porn is impacting on the way young girls see themselves. So more than ever, you need to have that conversation and help our young people understand their emerging sexuality.
“The days of hoping they could pick it up or of leaving a book on kitchen bench are gone. They’ve seen it all online, unfortunately, and it’s hard and soulless and cold.”
But Miller also pays tribute to this generation of girls, who she sees as remarkably resilient.
“We need to credit the girls who are making healthy choices and aren’t running off sexting and binge drinking.”
And she encourages all women, mothers or not, to mentor younger women: “We have an obligation to give of ourselves to the next generation. They do yearn to look at confident, strong women.”
But the best immunisation against a toxic culture is to teach girls to love themselves.
Take a lead from 19-year-old Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus. When she was mocked last year for gaining a little weight she posted a photo of an emaciated woman on twitter and wrote: “By calling girls like me fat this is what you’re doing to other people.
“I love myself & if you could say the same you wouldn’t be sitting on your computer trying to hurt others.