One has to wonder why 22 operations, $ 250,000 and 5 litres of saline pumped into one's chest does anything besides make you wonder if there are a few cells missing between the ears..
"They are the most good thing in my life,"Make that more than a couple..
The other issue, which is ofcourse irrelevant, how can one artificially enhance boobs and declare to be a winner of a record. One would have imagined that the surgeon should receive the award or maybe a good talking to for creating this level of lunacy..
It would be akin to cuddling up with a water bed. What the hell possesses these women to want to add 5 kilos in weight, sacrifice her stability and balance as well as ensure future spinal damage, go through this operation even though there is some major research showing that boob enhancement and stuffing packets of fluid into your chest cavity is and can be detrimental to your health. Why ignore that advice, just to get your five minutes of glory. It is beyond my comprehension. Why are women so engrossed with demonstrating how artificial and fake they really are. That, I would believe is the real issue here..
Maybe you can work it out, it is beyond my comprehension..
Sheyla Hershey's love for her 38KKK record-breaking breasts
- From: Herald Sun
- February 20, 2012
Sheyla Hershey started out as a B-cup, but 13 years, 22 operations, $250,000 and five litres of saline later she is a whopping KKK. Picture: Facebook Supplied
A WOMAN who claims her record-breaking size 38KKK breasts saved her life has opened up about the sacrifices she has made for her chest.
Sheyla Hershey started out as a B-cup, but 13 years, 22 operations, $250,000 and five litres of saline later she is a whopping KKK.Hershey even said following a car crash that her breasts saved her life, acting as airbags.
Despite not being able to find clothes that fit, tie her shoelaces or jog, she says she still loves her breasts "like they are my kids".
"They are the most good thing in my life," Hershey told television program My Strange Addiction, even though they had to be done in Brazil because Texas law limits the amount of silicone that can be injected into breast implants.
Hershey has 2.51 litres of silicone in each breast.