A quick update on the on the Dads on the Air interview with Kyle Lovett and Barbara Kay with a few interesting links as well..
The Stats that Matter

With special guests:
- Kyle Lovett
- Barbara Kay
Kyle Lovett is a Research Editor and Author at A Voice for Men. Kyle is based in Washington DC in the USA but even at that distance he cannot help but be disturbed about the National Council of Australia’s plan supposedly directed at reducing violence against women.
Some of the recommendations of the Plan have already been implemented following the amendments made to the Family Law Act late last year expanding the definition of what legally constitutes “domestic violence”. Others to follow may include formalising new sexual assault laws which will define legally consensual sexual intercourse. Unless a man gets verbal consent to perform various acts following a direct question he could be facing a rape charge. Furthermore consent can be removed after the fact if the woman claims she was coerced under a broad range of vague or implied threats. And it is the man who has the burden of proof if these types of allegations are made by the woman.
Even the title of the Plan causes great concern: Time for Action: The National Council’s Plan for Australia to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2009-2021. Note the use of the word “their” when referring to children. What about the Dads? And the Plan does not even address the physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children.
As to the statistics on which this draconian Plan is supposedly based hear Kyle show where the findings have been ignored, twisted and in some cases deliberately misrepresented.
The Plan has to be of major concern to all fair minded men and women who are witnesses to the vanishing civil rights of Australia’s men.
Barbara Kay
Also in our show today as a special feature we are delighted to welcome back Barbara Kay who is a columnist for the National Post newspaper in Montreal Canada.
Barbara has recently posted an article The awkward truth about spousal abuse. In the article Barbara recognises the achievements of feminists in the 1970’s to redress some of the wrongs from 60 years ago. But now in the 21st century the feminists are fighting among themselves about who are the real feminists and the denial of domestic abuse is still with us, only it has shifted from the female victims to the males.
Honest researchers were surprised to find in study after study that intimate partner violence is mostly bidirectional when feminists and governments still act as though the only victims of domestic violence are women. Erin Pizzey who opened the first refuge for battered women in England in 1971 was expelled from the feminist movement because she dared to ask women about their own violence.
With regard to domestic violence men are where women were 60 years ago.
Listen in to hear Barbara’s candid and eloquent analysis of the current situation and what we should be aiming for in our social, judicial and political attitudes towards violence.
Also check out our new feature where we will be inviting guests to choose a song for the program. Kyle and Barbara both picked interesting songs and they tell us why they made their choice. If you enjoy listening to the song One Life you can find out about Jade Michael and the Tennessee band 17 Stories … and more … by going to his website Artistry Against Misandry.
Next week …
Babies and Toddlers need their Fathers
Kingsley Miller, even Toddlers Need Fathers (UK)
Gil Ronen, Coalition for Children and the Family (Israel)