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The Ribbon Campaigns of which there are now a plethora of variations and they do have an alternative side and here is why..

The White Ribbon Campaign is as the information stated below, it's just another feminist attempt (feminist involvement can and has been proven) at their "All Women are Victims" mantra, that has been done to death over the last decade or three. This promotion promotes precisely that, as with ALL other programs promoted for women, it's blatantly sexist, discriminatory and based on misinformation. The White Ribbon campaign is absolutely no exception. Have a look for any, and I mean ANY program, project, organisation, be it government or private. that either states or recommends that men should be protected from abusive women and you will be pushed to find a single one, even though reliable government statistics show that women are as abusive at DV as their partner..

Have a look on the net and see how many associations, projects, organisations as well as government money, subsidies, awards, programs and courses that are in action right now, that promotes, in the majority of cases, overstated and downright lies about women being abused. Have a look at the stats they use and you will find that every single one will be using false statistics and imaginary facts generated by lying feminists who have generated false statistics to suit their "All women are victims" meme and mantras. ideally created to be used by those frauds..

They are raising money and increasing public sentiment, fraudulently..

The white ribbon campaign should be renamed the "ABUSE A MALE" campaign, as that is precisely what it promotes as well as ignores. The hypocrisy is rampant and it's society that has fallen to feminists lies and misinformation..

Buying some of those ribbons(not only white ribbons) only creates the circumstances of the abuses that they claim to want to stop, will just increase. You will be supporting their hypocrisy, their lies and the increase in violence. Not a very welcoming thought is it. But then again the truth is always strangers than fiction..

The White Ribbon Campaign..

White Ribbon needs your help to raise awareness about the issue of violence against women and what better way to do that than to host an event with your colleagues, mates, family or community.
In addition to awareness raising White Ribbon runs an Ambassador Program and prevention initiatives with communities, schools, universities, workplaces and sporting codes – all of which require essential funding. You can help us continue this work by selling merchandise at your next event and donating the proceeds to White Ribbon.