A couple of new events has caught my attention. The first is ofcourse Kyle Lovett's interview on the Dads on the Air radio program. Kyle is a prolific writer, blogger and researcher. I have posted quite a few articles by Kyle over the last couple of months, they have been filled with facts and figures that are not matched by many. His interview on the DOTA radio show is not to be missed. Link in the right hand Bar..
Also on the same Radio program is the lovely and effervescent Barbara Kay, A women I would easily term as being a lady and one who combats the feminist hate program with ease and alacrity. Both these guys are a pleasure to listen to. It does require Itunes as DOTA have archived all their programs on Itunes (They are down-loadable and free), well worth a listen..
If you do not have Itunes, Link Here..
The second item, and one mentioned by Barbara Kay, is the New Men's Journal site, which is an academic site listing academic papers, opinion pieces and articles about Men and Men's Issues which is also a pleasant and welcomed surprise, here are some details..

Focus and Scope
In response to a now well-documented decline in the overall well-being of males in postmodern culture, a group of Australian, Canadian, European and American scholars have gathered to work together to publish research essays, opinion pieces, and book reviews on all aspects of the male experience.