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Omnipitron responds to this poster's comment succinctly but I thought about the reason why this feminist's fodder bothers to even try and justify that hate movement without even bothering to study it or maybe even have a little debate about that hegemony they so fervently cling to while wallowing in it's lies and misinformation, they continually foment..

I always lived in the hope that anyone posting a comment here would have an IQ higher than I could through with two dice but it would appear that I may be incorrect on making that assumption about these feminist robots, they just post and run without even bothering to wait for some response or reply. A bit moronic really. One would imagine as I do, that when you post a comment at least some response is forthcoming even though I or others may not agree. I do not have an issue with that and my world does not come to a complete halt because of it. If there is someone out there who has an opinion that demands  me to think and that I may have to reconsider or demonstrates clearly to me then I may have to change my thinking paradigm, so be it..

So here is that comment, warts and all.
"you guys really need to get over your selfs men aint perfect and never will be. wemon dont cause all your problems you do try taking responsibilite for your own screw ups, and when you do you will realise that wemon contribute alot to men and society. Not all wemon a superficial and need gifts and money and stuff, just showing someone you appreciate them is enough"
She ofcourse contradicts herself in just one paragraph, not a bad effort as far as she is concerned. She would have signed onto her fav. forum and explained how sassy she was by posting this inane drivel..

Speaking about the overall affects on women by the feminist sexual revolution and other trivialities, have a read of this enlightening post.
Hot, young girls of the world - the generation before yours has wasted their lives, and now seeks to encourage you to waste yours, so they can preserve what shred of sexual value they still have, and soothe themselves that their lonely, childless adulthood doesn’t reflect poorly on the choices they’ve made. The greatest fear of the feminists is that desirable women like yourselves will wake up the lies they’ve been fed, embrace their feminine modesty, and cast the harsh light reality on of the fat, shrill, used-up slutwalkers and middle-aged divorcees.
Immerse yourself in the world of the sexual counter-revolution, and critically evaluate which approach will lead to a happier, more fulfilling life for you….You’ve been lied to. You’ve been tricked. And you’ll continue to engage in self-destructive behaviours until you wake up from your slumber and reassert your control over the choices you make.

From HookupSmart, definitely worth a look..
So the warnings are net-wide for anyone to read and comprehend and it appears that most of Gen X has already noticed the difference and refuse to be engulfed..

Feminists have for the past 40 years screwed up many lives and refuse to admit that or even change their approach while continually badgering all and sundry to join their worthless cause and behave precisely like their looser selves have done. Stupid is as stupid does..
Misogynists are not born, they are made.

By Zenpriest.

I am still baffled at all the women who seem to expect men to live on a steady diet of hatred and man bashing, and somehow magically metabolize this toxic diet into "love" for women and a desire to see good things come to them. When I work real hard, I can make the anger cold and take no joy when bad things happen to women, simply regard it with indifference. When I hear a woman whine about being victimized, I simply tune her out and go elsewhere.

When a woman smiles at me, I think of an old ethic bashing joke - "What does a ______ say instead of 'fuck you'?" answer "Trust Me."
Yes, it would appear that that will be the general consensus where men are concerned in coming times,  whenever any female requests something, anything or even offers a smile when they approach, that will be interpreted as being a negative or seen as "what does she want". I as well as many other males are just that sick to death of the word "woman", the endless demands made for their imaginary "we are only victims" mentality that the above is also my first response. It is getting to the stage where you are better off not being associated rather than run the gauntlet of any of those misandric policies put into place by that hate movement and placed into law..

Omnipitron said...
"you guys really need to get over your selfs men aint perfect and never will be. wemon dont cause all your problems you do try taking responsibilite for your own screw ups, and when you do you will realise that wemon contribute alot to men and society. Not all wemon a superficial and need gifts and money and stuff, just showing someone you appreciate them is enough"
Sigh, yet another finger pointer huh. Here's a point that you seem to miss Anon...I'm sure that if you are old enough to post on this site, that you are also old enough to recognize Multi-Level-Marketing no?
Ever wonder why there is so much rancor against MLM's? Due to the fact that distributors are constantly told that if they follow 'XYZ' that success is virtually 'guaranteed'. They are told to ignore their detractors and 'keep on keeping on' and success awaits despite all the hardships.
When their success doesn't materialize, (which it doesn't for the overwhelming majority) guess what these distributors are told then?
"The business plan is proven, if it isn't working than the issue is you, NOT the business. Keep trying and you will eventually succeed."
Right, well guess what, after days, weeks, months, years, or even decades of such cognitive dissonance despite the work ethic, the lies wear thin and the truth comes out. You don't seem to understand one very important thing, that Zenpriest USED to believe like you did, and at one point in time could have seen the initial issues women brought forth in the past as reasonable.
Now, the naked truth is very hard to ignore, just like the ex-mlmer who realizes that no matter what most do, only the exceptions become successful, not the general public. Zen isn't the only one Anon, I too used to root for women and thought that Feminism was a boon for society, only to find in time that everything Zen has stated is correct.
I'm a happily married man Anon, the saddest thing that I have recently realized is that I'm one of quickly fading demographic. The time to blame men for women's issues is long past, 'the business doesn't work' time to realize it. For you to point the finger at Zenpriest only proves the point that you either don't comprehend the issues men face, or you don't want to.