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Three courageous people fighting the feminist lies and distortions regarding domestic violence. These are people who cannot be ignored and hopefully will have some affect on the blatant sexism and anti-male bias those DV programs now exhibit. The main example that comes to mind is VAWA ofcourse which basically indicates and as the title states, is only interested in Violence against women and that is the only sex who are victims as far as they are concerned and all men and boys can just put up with the abuse their female partners or mothers dish out more often than not, apparently..Link to more on this article which contains six pages in total..Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 , Page 5 , Page 6 ..

Controlling Domestic Violence Against Men  
by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., Martin S. Fiebert, Ph.D., and Erin Pizzey

People hit and abuse family members because they can. In today's society, as reflected in TV, movies, law enforcement, courts, and feminist propaganda, women are openly given permission to hit men. Presently 25%-30% of all intimate violence is exclusively female on male. "Primary aggressor" laws usually result in arrest of the male and ignore research showing 50% of domestic assaults are mutual combat. The woman is thus encouraged to abuse her partner further until finally he will take no more. Such provocation of the human male is dangerous.
Studies consistently find women use weapons more often in assaults than do men (~80% for women; ~25% for men). Women are significantly more likely to throw an object, slap, kick, bite, or hit with their fist or an object.
There is no support in the present data for the hypothesis that women use violence only in self defense. Three common reasons women give for male abuse are: to resolve the argument; to respond to family crisis; and to " stop him bothering me." Male abuse of a woman, requiring self defense, is one of the less-frequently stated reasons by women for their assaults.
Our research shows that a gender-balanced approach to domestic violence is essential in order to reduce both the frequency and severity of such incidents for both men and women. Present laws and practices appear to commonly have the opposite effect.

Why do women hit men?
Gelles (1997, p. 133) put it succinctly: "People hit and abuse family members because they can." And in today's society, as reflected in TV, movies, and feminist doctrine, women are openly given permission to hit men. For example, a woman slapping a man in the face is rarely, if ever, viewed as "domestic violence." We are fighting a losing war against family violence until society withdraws permission from women to hit their intimate partners. The problem and causes of female violence must also be recognized and addressed.
It has been suggested that female assaults on males are almost always for reasons of self-defense. Outside of studies that come from clinical samples of women who seek services in domestic violence centers and social service agencies we have not found evidence to support that hypothesis.
Fiebert and Gonzales (1997) have looked at the reasons why women assault from a sample of 978 college women in California. Within a 5-year period, 20%, or 285 of the women surveyed admitted to physical aggression against their male partners. 
There does not seem to be any support in the available data for the feminist proposition that women only use violence against men in self defense. The most-common reasons the women in the Fiebert and Gonzales (1997) study gave for assaulting their male partners included:
• My partner wasn't sensitive to my needs.• I wished to gain my partner's attention.• My partner was not listening to me.
The factor of the male being abusive to the woman was one of the less-frequently stated reasons for the female's assault. 
Fiebert and Gonzales (1997) also asked for more profound reasons as to why the woman had assaulted her male partner. The five leading reasons the women gave to that query were:
• I believe that men can readily protect themselves so I don't worry when I become physically aggressive (24%).• I have found that most men have been trained not to hit a woman and therefore I am not fearful of retaliation from my partner (19%).• I believe if women truly are equal to men then women should be able to physically express anger at men (13%).• I learned when growing up that I could be physically aggressive toward my brother and he would not fight back (12%).• I sometimes find when I express my anger physically I become turned on sexually (8%).
In two Australian studies (Sarantakos, 1998, 1999), the most common type of male behaviour that resulted in abuse was a minor violation of household rules.
In Sarantakos' studies the three most common reasons women gave for abuse of their male partners were:
• To resolve the argument.• To respond to family crisis.• To "Stop him bothering me!" 
We are aware of two studies that have asked the questions of assault context and self-defense in the general population.
An English study by Carrado et al. (1996), summarized in Table 2, suggests that ~80% of assaults by wives on their husbands were for reasons other than self-defense. Items C and F in Table 2 were identified as clear examples of self-defense. Note that multiple reasons are often given for the same assault.