The complete download of Agent Orange files are now available. This download is about 160MG + of files and it's a complete set of screen dumps that were lifted off the public and private RADFEM Hub website and forum, with all their recommendations about eugenics, genocide, child murdering, men killing, terrorism comments..
So be warned..
Just bear this in mind. Being exposed to this obnoxious, nasty poison will stay with you once it's read as it cannot be removed. These comments are beyond disgusting and as vile as you may or could barely imagine. Just bear that in mind..
Also bear in mind that some of these women on this hate site are also involved with introducing laws and affecting legislation at government levels. We have already traced quite a few to government departments as well as professionals making submissions to governments for inclusion into law..
Their effectiveness can already be witnessed in the Family Courts system, Education Deartment preferences for women, Government promotions of VAWA as well as sexist male bashing advertising in regards to domestic violence which seeks to solely blame men..
Agent Orange file download..
Megaupload available for RADFEM Hub File Download..
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