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I just love the fact that every now and then, studies prove what total liars feminists are. It has now arrived at a stage that any researcher with a feminist bent, can be regarded as a compulsive liar, they  cannot be believed or be expected to behave honourably, in any shape or form, let alone apply actual academic standards to anything they do. Conforming to feminist ideology takes precedence over facts and reality. They are just compulsive liars and should be treated as such..

Here is one example. The study presented by Brizendine has been commented on by these researchers as being, well, for the want of a better word, codswallop.. The possibility of thinking about sex every 7 seconds would add up to about 8000 times a day, now how stupid is that and the media just keeps promoting it for the automatons they have already demonstrated they really are, with only a few exceptions..

Here is a link to feminist Louann Brizendine being her usual obnoxious self, bragging talking about the Male Brain..

The study in question covers the area of sex between males and females and delivers a totally different end result than previous biased and tainted studies on the same or similar subject have demonstrated earlier. Do they finally get it right ?
Sex on the Brain?: An Examination of Frequency of Sexual Cognitions
as a Function of Gender, Erotophilia, and Social Desirability

Terri D. Fisher, Zachary T. Moore, and Mary-Jo Pittenger
Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University at Mansfield

Men think about sex once a minute while women think about it a maximum of three times per day? 

According to stereotype and the popular media, men think about sex much more than do women. This belief is illustrated by cartoons that depict the male brain as filled with little other than thoughts of sex, and is perpetuated by numerous jokes and wild claims in the popular literature media (Brizendine, 2006; ‘‘Men Think About Sex,’’ 2010). The statistic that men think about sex every seven seconds is so prevalent that it is even addressed at the popular debunking site, (Mikkelson,2007). 

In the scientific literature, studies that indicate that men think about sex much more often than do women have been used to support the conclusion that men have a more powerful sex drive than do women (Baumeister, Catanese, & Vohs, 2001). However, a careful look at the research literature indicates that research on sex differences in frequency of sexual cognitions has generally not been methodologically rigorous, leaving conclusions less than certain.
This study demonstrates that the sex difference insexual cognitions in college students is smaller than isgenerally believed and is also present in non-sexualneed-related cognitions. In addition, the results makeit clear that there can be individual factors such aserotophilia that are more powerful than biological sexin determining frequency of sexual cognitions. Thepattern of results and the correlations with social desirability responding also suggest that sex-role expectationshad an influence on the participants’ responses.This study yielded data indicating that the mediandaily tally count for men was less than 19 per day, whichis quite a bit less than the once every seven seconds (over8,000 thoughts in 16 waking hours) that is often touted.To better reflect reality, those cartoon drawings thatsuggest that men’s minds are filled with nothing butthoughts of sex need to be revised to include plenty ofspace for thoughts pertaining to food, sleep, and,presumably, a multitude of topics beyond the scope ofthis study.
Link to complete study..