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As Arndt suggests, this the "FU" attitude from women who show off what you will never touch, unless ya got money.. |
One has to bear in mind that being a member of the slut-feminist movement, especially if you're a female, one has to possess a total and complete loathing for oneself. It is actually compulsory. That mindless self induced condition is motivated by quite a few obvious traits and well honed actions and clearly demonstrated abilities. It would be the case that one would have to possess an automatic, finely tuned, radar with it's setting set on temperamental, tempestuous, overtly tuned with doses of the melodramatic while incestuously conditioned to respond to imaginary slights that most people would regard as normal behaviour or even acceptable, encouraged behaviour..
But not to the slut-feminists mental midget's mind , no, one would have to be on continual alert for some slight, slight. Being either imaginary or self induced is absolutely irrelevant, (as some psychological explanation will whisper that obvious condition away). One must also possess an in depth ugliness, that permeates it's mindset and soul with malice and vitriol as to be constantly offended and continually abusive as well as snarky. A female with a substandard moral compass, poised on some completely fictional benchmark. It's not easy being such a self loathing, vapid individual. But there are women who wander a world that only exists in their own delusional minds, specimens like Valenti and Marcotte have that outlook, behavioural traits and capacity, down to a fine art. Everything that a man does has to piss you off. Any behavioural activity must be seen as a personal attack and any movement or gesture viewed as being the potential actions of whatever they choose it to be. It's compulsory
Enduring that state of being permanently offended takes it out of a girl..
It can be tiring ofcourse and it's not easy being a women in that condition on a daily basis. Now I see what they mean about how hard it is being one!..
One wonders if that outlandish behaviour of slut-feminists is just an outward indication on how normal women think and if that is the case, tis not good..
In fact, according to Bettina Arndt, in her article “the Booby Trap” although some claim slutty attire is just to make themselves feel good, the main message sent is about flaunting women’s sexual power. It’s an “UP YOU” gesture of the most provocative kind. The message is unsubtle. look what i’ve got, what you want, and what I’m flaunting in front of you and that you are not even allowed to respond to.Not sounding too good already, surely there is another explanation. Maybe a simplified version, as that sounded, well, you know, a little harsh..
This is the reptile portion of your brain’s instinctive selection – evaluating men as utilities which dispense money, violence on your behalf, and sperm.Ah, that's better..

Don’t like catcalls? Cover your tits
I’ve just read another article variously excoriating men and “empowering” women on the topic of exposed female flesh. Cleavage specifically, and it’s power to draw male attention. As this is being written in early Spring, the seasonal spectacle of high cut skirts and low-cut tops will be putting a bit more bounce back in everybody’s step, and social commentators will write predictable criticism of males who just cant keep their eyes to themselves.
I’ll be the first to admit that every spring when horseflesh goes back on display, I enjoy the scenery. I’m biologically wired to not only enjoy it, but also be distracted every time a bit of pink goes jiggling through my peripheral vision. However, there is apparently a bit of a problem. Women who put themselves on display and enjoy the attention of high-income, high-status men are somewhat less than enthused with being ogled by men they regard as low-status, unattractive, or gods-forbid: beta males.
Those guys – men who don’t have what it takes to get a second glance from women – well, those losers are just as likely to leer at bouncy cleavage and short skirts, and sometimes even offer unwanted comment or commentary. In fact, average guys, when told to buzz off and that their attention is unwelcome, sometimes don’t even have the good sense to control themselves in these circumstances. Rude remarks are increasingly common from this sort of creep. It’s almost like low-status males imagine they have a right to look at what’s paraded in front of them, or even a right to speak. How stupid are these guys anyway? Don’t they know to shut their mouths and avert their fucking eyes?
Or maybe, just maybe – there’s another way to understand this problem. It might even be that provocative attire is described using the word “provocative” because such clothing is designed to provoke a response. It might be that male sexual attention, when it is deliberately stimulated by women showing off their secondary sexual characteristics is stimulated in men without regard to the size of their paychecks. It might even be that men whose income or attire doesn’t mark them as high-earning alpha males, that these fucking stupid losers think they’re human beings even if they don’t tick all the boxes on women’s reptile brain wiring and make them wet. It might be that these guys have a different view of themselves and their worth, wholly apart from the primitive hominid programming most women use to discard 90% of men as worthless before they’ve even registered there’s a person in their field of vision.
Holy fuck, these guys might even think they’re human beings worth saying hello to. Can you imagine anything so stupid? In fact, this is going to stretch credulity, but as I was writing this, another possibility crossed my mind. Because it made me laugh, I’ll share it – just for the entertainment value.
It might be that low status men, ones who are socially invisible to women seeking the attention of executives, lawyers and elite athletes – well, it could be that these guys know they are socially invisible – and that attractive women parading their sexual and social power as if it’s an unholstered gun, they know such women regard them as low grade peasant scum. These foolish males might even realize the contempt they’re held in, and it might mean they’re increasingly unwilling to defer to those privileged princesses whose sexual and social power is based not on accomplishment, but just on their sex.
It might even be that as average, low status males, these guys understand that their social value to the women who flaunt their sexual power and potency is based only on what use those women can make of them. It might be that understanding they are seen by females only as under-performing appliances for dispensing money and for female convenience; violence – they’re disinclined to respond to women’s open contempt with anything except unapologetic honesty.
In fact, according to Bettina Arndt, in her article “the Booby Trap” although some claim slutty attire is just to make themselves feel good, the main message sent is about flaunting women’s sexual power. It’s an “UP YOU” gesture of the most provocative kind. The message is unsubtle. look what i’ve got, what you want, and what I’m flaunting in front of you and that you are not even allowed to respond to.
And many men, increasingly aware of their second class status, and faced by undisguised contempt from a sexual class who recognize no limit on their own behavior, these men are uninterested in pretend deference.
So if you’ve got great tits, or a pert, round behind, and you’ve put them on display, of course men are going to stare, princess. You might even get a few comments. Also, the difference between creepy and appreciative in those comments exists almost entirely in your mind, and not in the content of the offered commentary. As a woman, your evaluation of the difference between appreciated compliment from an attractive gentlemen and unwanted creep-behaviour from a loser is based on your subconscious evaluation of social status and wealth. This is the reptile portion of your brain’s instinctive selection – evaluating men as utilities which dispense money, violence on your behalf, and sperm. This is also why low status males are socially invisible to you. Your subconscious has edited them out before you even consider them as individuals worth chatting up. And no, those men should not apologize to you for being attracted, or for saying so. Instead, perhaps you should apologize to them, for presenting for inspection what was not on offer.
Or maybe, and here I’m just making a wild-assed suggestion, when you’re picking your outfit, including that low-neck top that gives guys whiplash and the short skirt that shows off your cute round butt, you should not be so shocked when it results in male eyeballs vectoring in on your advertized cleavage. And when you get a whistle, or a clumsy comment, realize that attention is exactly what you asked for.
I’ll be the first to admit that every spring when horseflesh goes back on display, I enjoy the scenery. I’m biologically wired to not only enjoy it, but also be distracted every time a bit of pink goes jiggling through my peripheral vision. However, there is apparently a bit of a problem. Women who put themselves on display and enjoy the attention of high-income, high-status men are somewhat less than enthused with being ogled by men they regard as low-status, unattractive, or gods-forbid: beta males.
Those guys – men who don’t have what it takes to get a second glance from women – well, those losers are just as likely to leer at bouncy cleavage and short skirts, and sometimes even offer unwanted comment or commentary. In fact, average guys, when told to buzz off and that their attention is unwelcome, sometimes don’t even have the good sense to control themselves in these circumstances. Rude remarks are increasingly common from this sort of creep. It’s almost like low-status males imagine they have a right to look at what’s paraded in front of them, or even a right to speak. How stupid are these guys anyway? Don’t they know to shut their mouths and avert their fucking eyes?
Or maybe, just maybe – there’s another way to understand this problem. It might even be that provocative attire is described using the word “provocative” because such clothing is designed to provoke a response. It might be that male sexual attention, when it is deliberately stimulated by women showing off their secondary sexual characteristics is stimulated in men without regard to the size of their paychecks. It might even be that men whose income or attire doesn’t mark them as high-earning alpha males, that these fucking stupid losers think they’re human beings even if they don’t tick all the boxes on women’s reptile brain wiring and make them wet. It might be that these guys have a different view of themselves and their worth, wholly apart from the primitive hominid programming most women use to discard 90% of men as worthless before they’ve even registered there’s a person in their field of vision.
Holy fuck, these guys might even think they’re human beings worth saying hello to. Can you imagine anything so stupid? In fact, this is going to stretch credulity, but as I was writing this, another possibility crossed my mind. Because it made me laugh, I’ll share it – just for the entertainment value.
It might be that low status men, ones who are socially invisible to women seeking the attention of executives, lawyers and elite athletes – well, it could be that these guys know they are socially invisible – and that attractive women parading their sexual and social power as if it’s an unholstered gun, they know such women regard them as low grade peasant scum. These foolish males might even realize the contempt they’re held in, and it might mean they’re increasingly unwilling to defer to those privileged princesses whose sexual and social power is based not on accomplishment, but just on their sex.
It might even be that as average, low status males, these guys understand that their social value to the women who flaunt their sexual power and potency is based only on what use those women can make of them. It might be that understanding they are seen by females only as under-performing appliances for dispensing money and for female convenience; violence – they’re disinclined to respond to women’s open contempt with anything except unapologetic honesty.
In fact, according to Bettina Arndt, in her article “the Booby Trap” although some claim slutty attire is just to make themselves feel good, the main message sent is about flaunting women’s sexual power. It’s an “UP YOU” gesture of the most provocative kind. The message is unsubtle. look what i’ve got, what you want, and what I’m flaunting in front of you and that you are not even allowed to respond to.
And many men, increasingly aware of their second class status, and faced by undisguised contempt from a sexual class who recognize no limit on their own behavior, these men are uninterested in pretend deference.
So if you’ve got great tits, or a pert, round behind, and you’ve put them on display, of course men are going to stare, princess. You might even get a few comments. Also, the difference between creepy and appreciative in those comments exists almost entirely in your mind, and not in the content of the offered commentary. As a woman, your evaluation of the difference between appreciated compliment from an attractive gentlemen and unwanted creep-behaviour from a loser is based on your subconscious evaluation of social status and wealth. This is the reptile portion of your brain’s instinctive selection – evaluating men as utilities which dispense money, violence on your behalf, and sperm. This is also why low status males are socially invisible to you. Your subconscious has edited them out before you even consider them as individuals worth chatting up. And no, those men should not apologize to you for being attracted, or for saying so. Instead, perhaps you should apologize to them, for presenting for inspection what was not on offer.
Or maybe, and here I’m just making a wild-assed suggestion, when you’re picking your outfit, including that low-neck top that gives guys whiplash and the short skirt that shows off your cute round butt, you should not be so shocked when it results in male eyeballs vectoring in on your advertized cleavage. And when you get a whistle, or a clumsy comment, realize that attention is exactly what you asked for.
Written by John the Other
John the Other is the managing editor of the A Voice for Men website and co-host of A Voice for Men Radio. He is also the Sword of Damocles, dangling like the promise of death above the ideas of gender ideologues, white knights and other diseases. JtO is FTSU personified.