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They need more money for ever more privileges you know, it's so hard being a female.. |
Here we have another one of those "It's hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way" topics that hand-wringers and slut-feminists really enjoy exposing. The "It's soooo hard being a woman" commentary has been done to death and back, but they persist and while they are at it, inflate and emotionalise the argument even further..
This is ofcourse on top of the billions already spent on all those "SPECIAL" female only services, that are already provided..
The fascinating angle of this "It cost so much having the magic "V"" does ofcourse demonstrate how much the husbands had to pay when it was or use to be, a one income family. Was there endless whining about that payout then, erm..No. I cannot say that I have ever heard any hubby complain about the fact that it was costing him thousands every year just to keep the "little women" in peak condition..
But now those endlessly whining harpies have to foot the bill themselves, it's a different kettle of fish altogether ofcourse. Like every thing else, they want it all for free and the number one mangina Obama, looks like he will make sure they do. What a sickening excuse for a president he really is. I have never before witnessed such an emasculated, ball-less example in my life and he is a downright embarrassment to all..
Here is the article and I will leave in the links this time as they are really something else, as they gather steam to ensure that all those poor dears are catered for at the expense of everyone else ofcourse. It does make one wonder if there will be any refunds or tax credits available when they perfect that "mobile womb". One wonders..
Okay, so we have this bit of enlightenment..
"Were you aware of the fact that in your 20s alone, you will spend over $26,000 on vaginal maintenance?"No come on, stop laughing, this is almost serious..
But in general, purchases that adult women make that adult men do not (unless perhaps they're buying these things for women)Now, where I live, the majority of these treatments are completely free, not only that, they receive notification in the mail, advising them that tests are due. Equivalent methods are not available to Men but that is slowly changing and we jump up and down even more often..
include birth control pills, tampons and maxipads,
PMS relief medication, Vagisil, UTI remedies, yeast infection remedies, and
waxing or other pubic hair removal.
Adult women also have pelvic exams and pap smears, and
make other female health visits to doctors. (While Morrissey doesn't note this specifically, such health visits could also include procedures
like colposcopies and LEEPs, biopsies of various female parts, and so on—all of which, even if a woman is insured, add up with co-pays and costs beyond what insurance covers.)
Women also buy condoms (men do, too): but that's a cost significantly less than the pill (say a high of $129.99 a pack for a month's supply of pills versus $17.99 per box of 36 condoms).
Morrissey also includes toilet paper in this list, because women "use toilet paper every time they go to the bathroom"—therefore using "at least twice the amount of toilet paper than men, if not significantly more." Huh, we hadn't really considered that.
Lets have a look at the difference between necessary treatments and pure unabashed vanity..
So we can rule out just about any vanity issues and that rubs out about $ 2,500 per year and the pill is about $10 per month and pads about the same, which is about the same as men are required to spend on shaving apps, a necessity, as employment options are limited when applying with a face full of fluff as we all, already know. But I don't ever see anything mentioned about that being payed for by the state, equality anyone!.
The rest of the costs are most about personal hygiene and refraining from bonking their hearts out at every opportunity, how about knocking that off to begin with. As far as the PMS tabs are concerned, that current treatment doesn't work anyway so why bother, we have been putting up with it for that long already, it would make no difference at all..
So there you have it, fixed. The rest is just the usual privileged princesses' demands they make as they have done for so long. Have you noticed as well, whatever they are given or whatever they already have, it is NEVER enough. We keep saying it and they keep proven that to be the case, do they have any limitations to those endless demands?..
Inspired by the ongoing debates and misunderstandings about birth control and women's health care, Jezebel's Tracie Egan Morrissey has run down the general cost of being a woman, or as she puts it, "how much it costs it to own a vagina." This is not a small amount of money, as she points out: "Were you aware of the fact that in your 20s alone, you will spend over $26,000 on vaginal maintenance?"Men are "perhaps" buying things for womyn? "Perhaps?" Is this a joke? How about the costs to men which vaginae impart:
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Helpfully, she's done the math based on staffers' personal experiences. Obviously, experiences vary. But in general, purchases that adult women make that adult men do not (unless perhaps they're buying these things for women) include birth control pills, tampons and maxipads, PMS relief medication, Vagisil, UTI remedies, yeast infection remedies, and waxing or other pubic hair removal. Adult women also have pelvic exams and pap smears, and make other female health visits to doctors. (While Morrissey doesn't note this specifically, such health visits could also include procedures like colposcopies and LEEPs, biopsies of various female parts, and so on—all of which, even if a woman is insured, add up with co-pays and costs beyond what insurance covers.) Women also buy condoms (men do, too): but that's a cost significantly less than the pill (say a high of $129.99 a pack for a month's supply of pills versus $17.99 per box of 36 condoms). Morrissey also includes toilet paper in this list, because women "use toilet paper every time they go to the bathroom"—therefore using "at least twice the amount of toilet paper than men, if not significantly more." Huh, we hadn't really considered that.
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All this, Morrissey estimates, adds up to $2663.02 yearly—give or take for what a woman might actually spend on all of those things, and not including emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, or abortions. And then there are the "woman" costs that go beyond this list: Like makeup, cosmetic treatments and surgery, clothing and handbags, among other personal products for women that often cost more than those, if there are such, for men. Some of these things are necessary and some are less so... And in some cases, like birth control, if you don't spend the cash, you risk having even greater costs associated with womanhood—like getting pregnant, or having to undergo treatment for cancer that's spread because you didn't have regular checkups.
RELATED: Summer's Eve Is Pulling Their Talking Vagina Ads
But beyond any of the things women buy because they're women, there's still a wage gender gap and problems of unequal pay compounding the problem. On Friday, President Obama spoke at a White House forum on women and the economy, writes The New York Times' Mark Landler, promoting the pro-woman steps the administration has taken, "from signing the Lily Ledbetter act for equal pay to pushing employers to show more flexibility to female employees so they can balance work and family." (Obama also took a moment to be pro-woman in general to a crowd of mostly women.) Via Landler:[indent]
“There’s been a lot of talk about women and women’s issues lately, as there should be,” the president said, to a largely female audience. “But I do think that the conversation has been oversimplified. Women are not some monolithic bloc. Women are not an interest group. You shouldn’t be treated that way."[/indent]
Of course, there are costs associated with being a guy as well, like, for instance, in Rush Limbaugh's case. But somehow that seems a bit different.
* Dating.
* Spousal support.
* Alimony.
* Child support for children he might not have wanted.
* Picking up the slack at work for womyn who drop out to "balance family."
* False charges of raype and DV.
* Child care for illegitimate children.
* WIC, welfare payments.
* Taxpayer supported womyn's studies programs and the rest of the boondoggles.
* The endless tantrums, hustles and foot stamping.
* Military actions to defend womyn's "rights" in places like Afghanistan.