One cannot go past the fact that the feminastie movement is consistently inconsistent. The standard attack methods that the members and enablers of that movement undertake, is to attack the individual rather than arguing what they believe (in their own mind) to be unarguable, substantiated and soundly factual. They however forget to mention that they never actually put forward all those unarguable, solid and undeniable facts. That appears to be their biggest problem..
a. Their favourite pastime is ofcourse the ad hominem attack methodology. That way they can make stuff up to argue about..
One has to also wonder why they never take that logical course. When they are so convinced that they are totally correct, why not argue their facts by substantiating it with unadulterated facts. It is a bit of a stretch to actually find those facts that have not adulterated, that would ofcourse be a major issue with that hate movement as they have absolutely nothing original to prove their points. The so called facts they use have already been doctored beyond comprehension..
So they cannot present them without immediately loosing any discussion or argument and resort immediately to their number one methodology, see "a"..
As you can already see and have been able to for some years, the feminastie movement have absolutely no problem about smearing and denigrating, not only all men and boys, but make a special effort to malign and denigrate "WHITE men". That does ofcourse place that argument into the racism/racists debate. But they have always claimed to be fighting against racism, but here they are promoting racism as they demonstrate their utter and total loathing for all things white. Which is rather strange and unethical as most of those drones complaining about "White people" are actually white themselves. It is a variation of the same muck raking male feminists indulge in, where they continually try to destroy their own sex for some indescribable reason. Personally I think it's more of a personal issue or maybe just something psychological..
But it's unrelenting and would appear to be without end. So now we witness a slight change in their attack mentality as they veer towards the same attack methods the AGW crowd has taken or may have even learnt from them. They try and introduce that psychological angle by introducing a new meme that states that if for some reason you make any comment or statement or dare to question anything the opposite sex does, than you must hate them. This automatic assumption is ignored ofcourse when they smear "all white men", and conveniently so. Hypocrisy has never been given any consideration by that movement as all they really want to do is struggle for equality, just ask them..
Maybe that meme is not that new but the "White men" argument is gathering speed as they are well aware of the fact that the majority of people arguing against their nasty hate mongering movement are done by "White " people, myself included. They would love nothing more than to try and insure that we are seen to be everything that we are not. Nice try though.But it just ain't gonna work..
I will let Zerbu explain a little bit more about their hypocrisy, lies and misinformation and other maniacal methods they use to generate as much hate as possible..

Alleged “gender-based” treatment
How often have you heard feminists give out the false notion that a woman or girl has been mistreated just because she is female? How often have you heard feminists claim that a man or boy has been praised or chosen for leadership positions just because he is male? If you regularly listen to what feminists say, or read what feminists write, chances are you have probably heard that a lot. But how exactly do feminists and other gynocentrics define this treatment? What factors take place for treatment to be considered gender-based? This has already partially explored this in the AVfM article “the inflated definition of misogyny“, but this article will go into further detail.
The basic idea is that feminists define anything negative that happens to a woman or girl as “gender-based” discrimination, and anything greatly positive that happens to a man or boy as a “gender-based” result of the patriarchy.
False claims of gender-based discrimination against women and girls, and gender-based privilege for men and boys, are an important part of feminism’s lifeblood. These claims are what the feminist theories of the patriarchy, female oppression and male privilege stem from. In this article, a few common examples of what feminists consider gender-based treatment will be debunked. Remember, these are just examples.
Perhaps one of the most exaggerated form of so-called “discrimination” is violence. There are many attempts by feminists to stop violence against women, but not violence against men. It should be noted that men are much more likely to suffer physical violence than women. Boys are taught from a young age that they should never hit girls, even in self-defense. The media frequently shows violence against men and boys being portrayed as not only acceptable, but funny, but when a more minor version of this happens to a woman once the feminists have a shitfit. [1] It could be said that much more violence occurs against men because they are men than violence against women because they are women.
Even though men are far more likely to suffer physical violence, feminists still insist that women receive extra protection from such forms of violence, and continuously blame the minority of physical violence that is inflicted against females on discrimination. This is not because females generally have less physical strength, it is because they are female.
When it comes to violence, the term “gender-based” simply means against a woman or girl even if her gender has nothing to do with why the violence was done.
Work and Hiring
Take a look at how feminists react when a man is chosen for a job over a woman. Feminists will often blame this on discrimination, even if the man is more qualified for the job. Also take a look at how feminists react when a high-rank or even decent-rank job is male dominated. They claim that this is due to discrimination. If someone were to ask: “why are there so few male hairdressers?” how would you answer? Surely most of you would answer by stating that it is because fewer men apply for those jobs. Well the same should be said about women in male-dominated jobs: it is because fewer women apply for those jobs. Feminists don’t get that, though.
If a group or club consists of mostly men or all men, many feminists will blame this on discrimination. It could easily be that fewer women decided to join the group or club, or that fewer met the requirements to join, but feminists will still blame it on discrimination. It is possible for a group or club to openly rule itself as “women only” but when a group or club appears to only allow men in the eyes of feminists, well, that’s a whole different story.
If a female boss or leader, be it at a job, school or even a group or club, is not respected or obeyed, especially if the people she is in charge of are male, feminists will often blame it on discrimination. There are a variety of other reasons this may be happening. It could be that the people she is in charge of don’t like her management style, or are just disobedient in general, but regardless of whether it is her fault or not, there are possible reasons other than gender discrimination.
Family Treatment
If a boy in a family is treated better than a girl, many feminists will blame this on discrimination. Actually, in many households, it is actually girls who are given preferential treatment over boys. If a girl is treated worse than a boy, there are plenty of other reasons, good or stupid, that are not based on her gender. It could be that the boy has earned the treatment more (in the family’s opinion) or that the family favors older or younger children. All families work differently, but treating boys better than girls is certainly not the norm.
The basic idea is that feminists define anything negative that happens to a woman or girl as “gender-based” discrimination, and anything greatly positive that happens to a man or boy as a “gender-based” result of the patriarchy.
Male | Female | |
Positive Situation | Gender-based privilege | She earned it |
Negative Situation | He deserved it | Gender-based discrimination |
Perhaps one of the most exaggerated form of so-called “discrimination” is violence. There are many attempts by feminists to stop violence against women, but not violence against men. It should be noted that men are much more likely to suffer physical violence than women. Boys are taught from a young age that they should never hit girls, even in self-defense. The media frequently shows violence against men and boys being portrayed as not only acceptable, but funny, but when a more minor version of this happens to a woman once the feminists have a shitfit. [1] It could be said that much more violence occurs against men because they are men than violence against women because they are women.
Even though men are far more likely to suffer physical violence, feminists still insist that women receive extra protection from such forms of violence, and continuously blame the minority of physical violence that is inflicted against females on discrimination. This is not because females generally have less physical strength, it is because they are female.
When it comes to violence, the term “gender-based” simply means against a woman or girl even if her gender has nothing to do with why the violence was done.
Work and Hiring
Take a look at how feminists react when a man is chosen for a job over a woman. Feminists will often blame this on discrimination, even if the man is more qualified for the job. Also take a look at how feminists react when a high-rank or even decent-rank job is male dominated. They claim that this is due to discrimination. If someone were to ask: “why are there so few male hairdressers?” how would you answer? Surely most of you would answer by stating that it is because fewer men apply for those jobs. Well the same should be said about women in male-dominated jobs: it is because fewer women apply for those jobs. Feminists don’t get that, though.
If a group or club consists of mostly men or all men, many feminists will blame this on discrimination. It could easily be that fewer women decided to join the group or club, or that fewer met the requirements to join, but feminists will still blame it on discrimination. It is possible for a group or club to openly rule itself as “women only” but when a group or club appears to only allow men in the eyes of feminists, well, that’s a whole different story.
If a female boss or leader, be it at a job, school or even a group or club, is not respected or obeyed, especially if the people she is in charge of are male, feminists will often blame it on discrimination. There are a variety of other reasons this may be happening. It could be that the people she is in charge of don’t like her management style, or are just disobedient in general, but regardless of whether it is her fault or not, there are possible reasons other than gender discrimination.
Family Treatment
If a boy in a family is treated better than a girl, many feminists will blame this on discrimination. Actually, in many households, it is actually girls who are given preferential treatment over boys. If a girl is treated worse than a boy, there are plenty of other reasons, good or stupid, that are not based on her gender. It could be that the boy has earned the treatment more (in the family’s opinion) or that the family favors older or younger children. All families work differently, but treating boys better than girls is certainly not the norm.
Written by Zerbu
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Zerbu is an AVfM reader and MRA who has stepped up to plate to offer articles to the site.