Kari Marie Norgaard. |
If you ever wondered what level of lunacy the MRM is up against, this is a prime example. Not only a slut-feminist supporter but a typical left wing lunatic in action. If a photo could demonstrate the possibility of an unhinged mind, here is a prime example..
I lifted a few comments from various sites, which explains a little more about the lunatic's lunatic, it's rantings and how one could become so delusional and actual go about promoting a fascis/communist viewpoint, they hate free speech that much. One really could raise the Communist Gulags and the indoctrination camps and also other events in history that actually carried out what this professor is suggesting as well as advocating.
The other issue which is even more disturbing but as important, is the obvious fact that the University of Oregon has supported this lunatic's rantings and promoted it on their main site as a legitimate viewpoint and argument, while being totally aware that it states the question that free speech should be discouraged and treatment be recommended for all those recalcitrants who refuse to believe the AGW hysteria and hype, desperation much!. Some other questions should be raised like "how is it possible to employ an individual who so roundly denies the fundamental right of anyone having any opposing opinion", "How can this University even justify the employment of this individual or extend her employment after such an individual encouraged such an obvious illegal and incoherent argument".
Where has sanity disappeared to at that University ?
Here is the response from one of those snevies, living in denial and finally having a "what is your problem?" revelation..
Craig Bannister reports:
I asked Jim Barlow, director of science and research communications, University of Oregon when and why the sentence was changed. Here’s his response:
“I intended the original first sentence of the news release to function as a play-on-words on our researcher’s message about recognizing and addressing cultural inertia. Unfortunately, the word “treated” became the focus of the story, leading to inaccurate portrayals. In an effort to shift the focus back to the actual topic of the conference presentation, I chose at midday Monday to remove the word from the version of the news release that appears on our website.”
The above response is ofcourse just a cover up of the real issue, as a major furore and entitled responses demonstrated to them that they had a lunatic on board and they had to hose down the ensuing totally legitimate response and reaction..
Here is a humorous response to that "response"..
“I intended the original first sentence of the news release to function as a play-on-words (it was a JOKE people!) on our researcher’s message about recognizing and addressing cultural inertia. Unfortunately, the word “treated” became the focus (How dare you draw conclusions based on current and past views of the author.) of the story, leading to inaccurate portrayals.(If I say it enough, even I start to believe it.) In an effort to shift the focus back to the actual topic (Sigh, we just can’t pretty up “Gulag”.) of the conference presentation, I chose (I knew what she meant, not you morons.) at midday Monday to remove the word from the version of the news release that appears on our website.”
Referring to my previous post regarding the automatic path that the opposite sex have regarding degrees and other recognised awards. Here we see just how easy it is to become a "doctor" these days. Write some lunatic version of any situation and have fellow propagandists tick in the right squares and BINGO, you're a "Doctor". Now tell me there is no pro-female bias in that system..
She’s actually got a Doctorate in Climate Change Denial:
Ph.D. 2003 Sociology, University of Oregon (Dissertation: Community, Place and
Privilege: Double Realities, Denial and Climate Change in Norway Chair:
Dr. Sandra Morgen)
The entire episode is such a hoot, and so hilarious, so alarming and yet ironic. Let them hang themselves, as the more they talk, the more they do, the more they react, the more damage they do. the deeper the hole..
The above response is ofcourse just a cover up of the real issue, as a major furore and entitled responses demonstrated to them that they had a lunatic on board and they had to hose down the ensuing totally legitimate response and reaction..
Here is a humorous response to that "response"..
Referring to my previous post regarding the automatic path that the opposite sex have regarding degrees and other recognised awards. Here we see just how easy it is to become a "doctor" these days. Write some lunatic version of any situation and have fellow propagandists tick in the right squares and BINGO, you're a "Doctor". Now tell me there is no pro-female bias in that system..
The entire episode is such a hoot, and so hilarious, so alarming and yet ironic. Let them hang themselves, as the more they talk, the more they do, the more they react, the more damage they do. the deeper the hole..