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You may want to be careful when taking the red pill as the affect can be a revelation, an epiphany will be generated, the realisation that a new day has just dawned and the mind is now clearer when dealing with self and where the road ahead will lead..

Your predetermined abeyance to life's demands will disappear and your own goals, aims and dreams will be more focused and outcomes tangible. Welcome to the real world..

Your new perspective will be life changing and the benefits, unlimited..
How I do not miss your sorry ass... let me count the ways
I am more and more of the mind. That if it were not for my hormones and youth, I never would have been a Father or have had children. A Harley, Recurve Bow, Fishing pole, fly fishing, Shooting, time spent in a Library, in the Mountains, or just riding a Dirt Bike beckons alot more than catering to a Female, Who is impossible to please or make happy. I am not interested in being the "cause of it all". Women with regards to me are truly screwed. I see why Gene Simmons, and Charley Sheen are the way they are. They don't want to put up with the hypocrisy of Gender interactions.
Bullshit detector..
I am more and more of the mind. That if it were not for my hormones and youth, I never would have been a Father or have had children. A Harley, Recurve Bow, Fishing pole, fly fishing, Shooting, time spent in a Library, in the Mountains, or just riding a Dirt Bike beckons alot more than catering to a Female, Who is impossible to please or make happy. I am not interested in being the "cause of it all". Women with regards to me are truly screwed. I see why Gene Simmons, and Charley Sheen are the way they are. They don't want to put up with the hypocrisy of Gender interactions.

Once you take the Red Pill, taking the Blue One is impossible. When I left I felt an exhilaration of freedom, like getting out of Prison. I am no longer have to deal with an "Emotional Terrorist". Gone is the opportunity for manipulation. I am no longer forced to watch Feminist drivel and just plain juvenile Fantasies put to Movies and TV. I am not feeding the delusional fantasies of an Adult who still thinks she is a "Princess". The manipulation is gone. I am able to speak my mind, watch what I want when I want. I am not forced to buy or consume idiotic consumer products of questionable value. I no longer have to put up with insane Female ideas of fashion, decor, of questionable quality and construction. Because some Skank Actress with a High school education endorses it. No more Chick Flicks, no more listening to drivel and nonsense that has turned our culture into a Moral Sewer.