A quick lesson on assessing women of different height, the pros and cons..
Lesson 425.4
How come the White Bitch Won ? Not Happy.. |
I have often wondered why some women respond differently to situations than others. I was of the opinion that some type of generalisation was suitable and left it at that, take them as they come and leave it at that, they were always going to be a little weird so what else is new. We have all spent time with members of the opposite sex and would on the odd occasion been rather taken back by some of their differing behaviour and friendliness especially after dealing with the obnoxious hags in the feminist movement, which does not endear anyone to the opposite sex, it does indeed guarantee the opposite.
As an aside, as a heterosexual women, I greatly prefer small-boned, large-breasted women for friendship. They’re more likely to be loyal, sweet, and share my values. I try to avoid tall, large-jawed, small-breasted women. I always get the “I want to screw around, break up relationships and eat babies” vibe from them.So I was rather taken back when reading an article that suggested that women behave differently due to their height, yep their height. Apparently, estrogen is a bone growing retardant..
The hormone is responsible for hastening the fusion of growth plates of long bones during puberty, which is why the onset of menstruation signals a significant slow-down in growth in girls. Doses of estrogen could hurry that process along."There are some parallels with today's growth hormone technology," says Joyce Lee, a professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Michigan. She wrote a historical overview of estrogen treatment for tall girls in the October 2006 issue of Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.So we have those outstanding and obvious features to look out for. Tall, thin/lean women with square jaws are going to screw you around as well as up and down. It would appear to be the ones to avoid. It would be interesting to apply the height question whenever conversing or exchanging comments with a member of the feminastie movement as to it's height as that will determine the level of obnoxiousness..
The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen. Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into your bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands. In addition to being produced by the ovaries, estrogen is also produced by fat tissue in the body. These sex hormones are involved in the growth, maintenance, and repair of reproductive tissues. But that’s not all. They influence other body tissues and bone mass as well.We also have to expose that lie that feminists have used all along pertaining to testosterone, which apparently runs through their own veins as well, well maybe more so in theirs..
Why are athletes at risk for low levels of estrogen?Estrogen is the sex drug that women possess, so the lack of it would indicate a lower level of sexual activity, child birth, mental and physical health and also little tits. The obnoxious Gorny Weaver comes to mind..Women with low body fat often do not produce sufficient amounts of sex hormones. This can be a problem for women such as athletes, models, and gymnasts. It can also be a problem for women with eating disorders. These women can experience a cessation of menstruation, known as amenorrhea. They may also develop osteoporosis -- thin bones -- and fractures as well as other conditions more common in older women after menopause.
Estrogen Shots Required, some running low..
Shorter women are more likely to have long-term relationships with men, and more likely to have children, according to a study of 10,000 people born in the UK in 1958.The average height for a British woman is 1.62 metres (5 feet, 4 inches). But those who were between 1.51 and 1.58 metres were most likely to be married and to have children by the age of 42. This relationship held true even after accounting for social class.For the rest of the explanation, let's turn to the rest of Roissy's article..
The study also found that women prefer men who are taller than average. A man of 1.83 metres (6 feet exactly) was more likely to have a partner and children than a man standing at the average height of 1.77 metres (5 feet, 10 inches).
Are Short Women More Desirable Than Tall Women?