If it's one issue that we can definitely lay at the feet of feminists it's that they have reverted women's base behaviour. One would have to be removed from reality if you laugh at a story where someone's manhood was removed by a female plus finding that funny, humorous and an opportunity to high five each other, as that behaviour being not only acceptable but news worthy..
Let's cut off some woman's vagina and get the lads at "Top Gear" to announce that so we can all have a good laugh. However, I don't think that men would generally see the mirth. At least we can admit to being above that type of monstrous behaviour unlike most women apparently..
How Funny is a Mutilated Vagina
Dan Moore
There are many who deny we live in an age where maleness, where masculinity has been so devalued as to be commonly regarded as Subhuman. Where male sexuality is treated with such revulsion and contempt, that major television personalities feel completely free to make light...no, to outright revel in glee at a man being poisoned, tied up, and having his penis cut off, then ground to a pulp, by his wife, because he wanted a Divorce.
These same major television personalities that ROUTINELY cry about 'Battered Women' are making light of the poisoning, kidnapping, and torture of a man for wanting a Divorce. In an age of No Fault Divorce, which was instituted at Feminist behest. They do not hide their glee at all, in fact Sharon Osbourne (the wife of Ozzy) even makes mixing motions with her hands, simulating a garbage disposal, and calls the whole thing 'delightful'.
The appalling hatred of men is not only not hidden, but outright FLAUNTED.
This can only be the result of a Society that has so dehumanized men, so demonized male sexuality, that men can be literally tied up and tortured, have their lives permanently altered (by removing the ability to fulfil the most basic of drives)...and these women LAUGH.
And not just the Hosts, but the entire audience...rolling in glee.
And, I suspect, a good deal of women in everyday life.
Every last one of them represent the truly disgusting in human nature. No, none of it is 'innocent', and no, it is not 'just a joke'. Anyone taking pleasure in this shocking crime should be ashamed of themselves, and take a SERIOUS look at how they perceive men, and how that looks from THIS side of the fence. And the women 'hosting' this show? Every last one of them should lose their jobs.
Will they? Of course not. Because they obviously know what appeals to their audience. Which is comprised of women. The audience certainly seemed pleased with the show, and enthusiastically joined in, as a matter of fact. Truthfully, the ONLY time the audience gave pause, was when Sara, near the end of the segment, mentioned that 'it's kinda weird' to be taking so much glee in something they would be horrified at the reverse of.
But then the show quickly moved on, much to the audience's relief.
If this isn't proof of widespread, generalized female hatred of men, I don't know what is.
Because I could NEVER see a man taking so much pleasure in the removal of a woman's ability to have sex. Not even one.
And women LOVE to hear about it happening to men. So much, in fact, that these hateful bigots will keep their jobs. Probably won't even get a reprimand either. They've got feminists to defend them, after all.
And the beat goes on....